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Interested in sponsoring The 4th Annual Equity Conference at The I Hotel and Illinois Conference Center in Champaign this April? We've got some great opportunities for your business or organization. â€‹

$1,000 – Bronze: Donation

• Name recognition and logo on conference e-mail invitations and Participants Program.

• Name recognition from stage and logo placed on general sponsorrecognition signage at the event.

• Booth space will be provided in our exhibit hall (Valued at $500).

• VIP seating at the conference’s Keynote Luncheon.

• Name recognition and/or logo on conference registration page.

$2,500 – Silver: Networking Evening Reception Sponsor

• Major emphasis on all printed materials including the Participants Program, conference signage and will be communicated as a major sponsor.

• Specific, major signage will be displayed at the Networking Receptionindicating your organization as the sponsor and noted as such in theParticipants Program.

• Four guests at the Networking Reception. Guests may be used for organization employees or other special guests.

• The CEO, or his/her designee, will be introduced at the reception and given three to five minutes to formally greet the participants.

• A booth in our exhibit hall (Valued at $500).

• Two guests at the Keynote Luncheon. Seats will be located near thespeaker’s platform and may be used for organization employees or other special guests (Valued at $60).

• Full-page program acknowledgment in the Participants Program.

• Opportunity to insert materials into Participant’s Tote Bags.

$3,500 – Gold: Keynote Speaker Luncheon Sponsor

• Dedicated banner recognition will be displayed at the Keynote Luncheonindicating your organization as the sponsor and noted as such in theParticipants Program.

• Prominent logo recognition on the main sponsor banner, displayedthroughout the conference. Logo recognition on signage at the entrance to the Luncheon.

• The CEO, or designee, will be introduced at the Luncheon and given 5 minutes to greet guests.

• The CEO, or his/her designee, will be seated at the speaker’s table.

• One table at the Keynote Luncheon. Tables provide seating for eight andwill be located near the speaker’s platform and may be used for organizationemployees or other special guests (Valued at $200).

• A booth in our exhibit hall (Valued at $500).

• Full-page program acknowledgment in the Participants Program.

• Opportunity to insert materials into Participant’s Tote Bags.

$5,000 - Platinum Level Sponsor

• Major emphasis on promotion and print materials, including theParticipants Program and conference signage.

• Major logo recognition on conference web page, with clickable link.

• Six guests at the Keynote Luncheon. Seats will be located near thespeaker’s platform and may be used for organization employees or otherspecial guests (Valued at $160).

• The CEO, or designee will be introduced at the Luncheon and given 5 minutes to greet guests.

• The CEO, or his/her designee, will be introduced and acknowledged at the Keynote Luncheon.

• Full-page program acknowledgment in Participants Program.

• Booth space in our exhibit hall (Valued at $500).

• Opportunity to insert materials into Participant’s Tote Bags

Thank you for sponsoring our upcoming Equity Conference in Champaign, IL, April 24-25, 2025! 


Have questions? Send us an email at

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